Sunday, December 27, 2009
A new year of stupidity is right around the corner.
Sorry I haven't been "blogging" as of late. I have so much to say, just so little grammar to say it with. I did however run across this beautiful little tidbit.
Berkeley High School is considering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and the five science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to help struggling students.
Please read the entire article. I think you will find the whole thing racially intimidating and a little, well, stupid. I do believe it is just one more indicator as to the ridiculousness that is the current administration, and the party that it represents.
Mark my words. There are bad times coming. These bad times will unfortunately affect every aspect of this country. White, black, yellow, brown, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, etc. We won't realize it until we are in the middle of it.
... No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is a submersible working model of the Constitution Class NCC-1701-A "Enterprise" refit (year 2286) from Star Trek. Oh my. I think I'm going to swoon now.
Well, just a few minutes ago the Senate advanced the Health care bill. I was wondering why I was still awake with this terrible feeling of dread. Now I know! I hope that you all get what you want for Christmas this year. With all the taxation that will now ensue, you will be lucky to have an extra dime this time next year.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Just when I begin to think I have an inkling of talent...
It's the most wonderful time of the year... part XVII
I love this country. It's inhabitants constantly reinforce my belief that aliens will never, ever destroy a planet with such stupid creatures on it. This video interview is so insanely ignorant, you actually begin to hope and pray that it is a comedy sketch from the John Stewart show.
I'm not sure what scares me more about this story... The fact that our military is using sub-standard chips, the fact that they were buying said chips from people named "Neil Felahy" "Marwah Felahy" and "Mustafa Abdul Aljaff", or the fact that the same supposedly military-grade chips were sold to an unnamed vacuum-cleaner manufacturer.
Is my Roomba one day going to malfunction and blast me with deadly explosives? Is my loyal Dyson going to go commando and blitz the dining room? I don't think I will be able to sleep sound at night knowing my Hoover might suddenly become a really sucky assassin.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.........Abraham Lincoln
Participants at the Copenhagen global climate summit opened talks Monday at the start of the holiday season, but they won't be surrounded by festive Christmas decor, according to Denmark's Foreign Ministry.
"We have to remember that this is a U.N. conference and, as the center then becomes U.N. territory, there can be no Christmas trees in the decor, because the U.N. wishes to maintain neutrality," said Denmark Foreign Ministry official Svend Olling.
Well, Svend ( sounds like something my stomach does after a big pizza and belly wash ) you may want to be neutral, but by denying one of the best symbols of the resurrected messiah, you have basically chosen to be AGAINST Him. That's too bad, because He could help you see through the farce of a meeting you are about to have over a non-existant problem. Oh well, there's your wisdom showing again. Too bad, hey I gotta run. Me and the wife of 38 years are going to put up our CHRISTmas tree.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Oh, oh, oh my goodness... *snif* Ah.
OK, if you like Funniest Home Videos, and you like dub-overs, you will bust a gut watching this. There are a few choice words, so not one to watch with the kids. Still well worth watching for a good laugh.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
That'll be $38,000 with tax.
Dear Congress,
Please stop wasting my money on frivolous crap. My friend Matthew warned you years ago that global warming was poo and Al Gore was the poster child, but you didn't listen. Thanks for wasting all that perfectly good tax money. Also, who gives a crap about White House party crashers? Not I, and not the American taxpayers. When you find yourself voted out of office, please remember that these people: mean nothing to the average American, and what they did at the White House, even less.
Please do the job we hired you for and stop wasting time, lives and money.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tired Satellite
Yes, you perceive correctly. That is, in fact, a stump and three tires supporting a satellite dish. Only in Hopeless Arkansas.
I'm willing to wager the only reason the satellite dish had tires to support it at all is because the owner purchased $3000 worth of new rims for his $500 car.