So I turned forty years old this year. I have to say it was like flipping a switch. I am no longer fat, my body has decided to shed the extra pounds that have burdened me over the past two decades, and yes, I'm shrinking. I am also losing my mind. I know many of you, Claybrook especially, will say I lost it years ago. Seriously, I forget even the small things now. Where I parked my car, what I had for lunch, to breath. I am also easily distracted. The guys this summer picked up on that one quickly. We would be heading out to do a project and they would get me caught up in a discussion of new cell phones or tiny laptops, and boom, three hours had elapsed. If you know me I would then state, "we can hit that tomorrow."
I think the saddest result of the forty year milestone is my inability to retain anything. I am pretty sure that I have wasted the last ten plus years. I don't believe that I know anything that I used to think I knew. Whilst perusing the technical job market online, I realized that I was only qualified to put ends on CAT5 and do fairly menial Microsoft Word documents. I'm pretty sure that my band skills were those of yelling and drawing pictures on paper, that I later yelled at students until they transformed my ridiculous scribble into drill formations. Lately, when I play a bass gig, I don't get a call back for a least six months, and then it's usually, "well, our bass player was abducted by aliens and we thought of you."
Luckily, most things I do last like a week or two. Then I jump onto something else. I'm hoping this mid-life, dare I say crisis (because I had one when I turned 30) will soon run it's course and I will be onto something new and a little more narcissistic. I need to worry about me a little more.hehe!