You might remember I grew up in New Orleans. So call me a romantic, call me a softie, call me a wimp, call me gay, call me an independent, even call me a Convoginator, but still my heart goes out to those people that have been displaced from their homes due to the hurricane. I guess in some ways I know a little of what they are going through. “Back in the day” there wasn’t the advance warnings we get now from the storms. In fact it was not uncommon that during the evening news you might hear the following announcement: “If you are wondering why the shingles are flying off of your roof and through the windows of your neighbor, it is because we think the eye of hurricane Betsy just went through downtown New Orleans. More details later after sports with Hap Glaudy…..heeeerrrs, Hap!” Yes, those were the days. Anyway I spent the morning down at First Baptist Church ( God Bless ‘em) just talking and visiting with the evacuees there. In fact last night FBC hosted 146 people that had taken flight from Gustav. I found it amazing what you can learn if you just listen to folk. First I found that the people I talked with were very appreciative of the accommodations and giving spirit of the people of Hope. I mean put yourself in these people’s shoes. They leave everything behind to a storm of unknown strength and direction, they drive north thinking they will find some place to stay in Baton Rouge..No way, everything is full up. In fact they continue their trek to find the same story in all the major towns along the way; Alexandria, Cheneyville, Bunkie, Dry Prong and even Colfax… room ! Then they continue on into Arkansas until they find a glimmer of Hope in a town called “Hope”. An oasis where they find a clean, air conditioned room to rest their weary bodies. Of course there’s always “one in every crowd” that thinks entitlements are expected at every turn of life. This one lady was pitching a fit because First Baptist didn’t have a pharmacy. I wanted to give her something for pain…and the pain to go along with it, but then you gotta’ take the good with the bad, I suppose. So if any of you local Convoginators want to help a bit in the next few days, go on down to FBC, roll up your sleeves and help as you can. If you are like me, you will come out of there invigorated .
So it looks like this time people and government actually learned something from history. Seems like everyone got out of the area safely and without the incidents we saw three years ago. In fact the only one that I know of that needs some education is the fool who didn’t properly tie the double-bowline-half-hitch-bowsman knot that caused the barge to get loose in the industrial canal. I’m sure there will be heck to pay after the rope is tested for DNA.