Here we are at the end of August and not one post has been written about the upcoming presidential elections. I wonder why? I was thinking Saturday morning as I awoke to Fox and Friends and the announcement of Joe Biden as Osama's running mate, that it was pretty sad that we didn't have a catchy, if not cheesy, anti-Democrat jingle.
As I went about my Saturday morning weed eating and yard cleaning, I rolled the names and numerous democratic gaffs around in my mind. Unfortunately the weed eating line that I was using was made in the USA and lasted approximately 5 yards down the fence row after each replacement, bringing about yelling, cursing and the throwing of the weed eater, line, cutting tool and any small child or animal nearby. Thus clearing my brain every 8 minutes of any semblance of stupid cheesy lyrics or comedic thought in relation to anything the North American ALQueda, (aka Democratic Party) has done as of late. Around 1:00 p.m., as dehydration and heat stroke set in, I laid down in the yard to die... ok, to cool off and then die. I began to think about a nice little tune that could rival the last elections Your a Crook Al Gore. Luckily for me, I had plopped down in a nice fresh pile of dog poop (Thanks Chester!). As the mingled smell of canine processed 'Ol Roy and the sick feeling of that squishy stuff on my tooshy sent chills up my spine, I realized that dog poop and Democrats were a lot alike. They both begin life as an amalgamation of things that are not right for consumption, combined into a product that no human dare ingest, provide sustenance for less than 24 hours, show back up REALLY stinky, harden quickly and then disappear within 7 to 10 days. Only to constantly reappear at the most inopportune times and places. Hmmm... there has got to be a song there somewhere. I shall call upon the spirits of Randy Newman, Woody Guthrie and Rudy Ray Moore to create the greatest folk/political/uncomfortably anti-social yet not blatantly racist, song of our time...NAY, greatest song of next week.
Yeah, I'm writing a new Democrat Presidential Election 2008 song. You know you are excited. I'm excited. Come on people... get into the spirit!
For those that CARE... August the 15th was our 5 year anniversary. I believe that is bubble wrap...maybe cardboard.