OK...if you didn't hear it, that was the bell that begins the political season. I know I have blogged before that it was time to start, but NOW it is time to start. I feel that we should get in and throw few blows before the candidates beat the crap out of each other and there is nothing left for us.
I don't know if you are watching the debates, you should, they are funnier than "How I met your mother." The democraps are the best. They are aren't sure who they are fighting, who they are wooing or what their platform actually is. The far left is just banging the gates with the tails of their dolphins, whilst the moderates are giggling about the flying saucers. Luckily, the Republicans are trying to get the important topics in the minds of the voters and attempt at sorting our their candidates for the presidency.
I have to say, Mike Huckabee has come to play. I am very impressed with his ability so far to show a clear understanding of the task at hand. He has made his mark in the debates and on the talk shows. I think that his lack of foreign policy background as labeled by the media is unfair. Like Hillary has any foreign policy background. What has she done for us lately?? She had ample opportunity as both the first lady and a senator to make some heavy hit. She hasn't! Mike Huckabee on the other hand has made his mark as the governor of Arkansas. I agree that maybe this isn't his time yet, but come on, he has made a bigger mark than that fool Al Gore. Maybe Mike will get the Nobel in the next four years and step in during the next race and get a little hard conservatism back in the White House and the country!
Presidential candidate
A seemingly ideal fit to be the 2008 vice-presidential candidate on the Republican ticket, the former Arkansas governor is a Baptist minister who fronts his own rock band and is almost universally liked. Poor fundraising and a very limited foreign policy background probably means the Republican nomination is beyond his reach.
A deeply religious social conservative, he achieved notoriety by losing 110lbs (nearly eight stone) and becoming a vocal proponent of healthy living. Holds classic conservative positions on abortion, gay marriage and gun ownership that would help boost the conservative credentials of a nominee like Rudy Giuliani. Arkansas background would also be ideal for hand-to-hand political combat with Hillary Clinton.
Oh yeah, this is a great article. Take a look at the top 20 conservatives and liberals. It will help you catch up on the players!!