Friday Mrs. Phynerk and I went to Walmart for a couple of simple items. We didn't get out of the stinkin' store for over an hour ! Why ???? People, that's why-dozens of people that we just HAD to say "Hi" to and catch up their entire life's story since they were back in 2nd grade. If you have the same problem, well I have the answer for you. This will be added to a long list of my entrepreneurial items that have made me fabulously wealthy as they have benefited humanity. I call it the Covertly Hidden And Rude Mask - Guaranteed to allow quick trips in and out of Walmart without those incessant, pesky, and time-sucking conversations. No one will ever realize its you behind the C.H.A.R.M. You are now free to cruise the aisles without fear that you'll ever be slowed down or thwarted in your quest at getting home. All proceeds on this one will go directly to our Convoginators store.
P hynerk