You may not be aware, but I am not a big fan of sports; particularly football. In fact, the last football game I actually saw was in 1991 at my college 20 year homecoming. You might have me tell you sometime how I made my decision to purge football from my life forever. I can remember it well. In fact, that day me and Terry Bradshaw got almost on a first-name basis. Anyway, the other night Mrs. Phynerk mentioned to me that the Saints (they are the professional team that plays for New Orleans) are only one game away from being able to go to the Stupid Super Bowl. I don't know much about all this, but I do know that Super Bowl is BIG. It's big for business, it's big for the team's popularity and fame, it's just plain there is a lot riding on this upcoming game that the Saints will play this weekend up in Chicago. Some friends of ours from down New Orleans way told me that Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco have already penned legislation to approve and pass the We Got Robbed Saints Conciliatory Spending package in the event the Saints lose the upcoming game in Chicago. Each member of the team will receive the following should the team suffer an unfair loss:
A Super Bowl Ring with the inscription "We should 'a won, but We Got Robbed"
A double-wide FEMA trailer to be towed to any desired location.
An autographed Super Bowl football in the shape of Mayor Nagin's head with the inscription "We should 'a won but We Got Robbed".
An official legislative document specifying that the loss was the cause of President Bush and the entire Republican party with the inscription "You should 'a won but We Robbed You".
And finally, guaranteed free parking in front of any Popeye's Chicken store in the New Orleans area.
Of course, should the Saints win the upcoming game we will hear the endless droning of the praise they give themselves for superior, strength, athletics, strategy, and team spirit. So, no matter the outcome, it will be a lose-lose situation for mankind.
By the way when its all over, don't tell me .... I dont give a rip!