Monday morning sprung a trap on poor, unsuspecting me. It caught me off guard to lull me into a false sense of security, as my alarm activated at the usual weekday time YESTERDAY. The requisite two snoozes later I was out of bed and headed towards the shower still half asleep. As I started the waking up process in the shower (which consists of staring into the scalding water for no less than five minutes) I suddenly began to panic. I had a lot of homework that I didn't get done. What had I done on Sunday that I didn't do my homework? Anxious now, and curious if I should skip class or risk getting called on without having read, I realized that I couldn't remember ANY of Sunday. What had I done? Was I drugged? Intoxicated? If so, HOW? By whom? Had we just skipped a day? Did I not get the memo? Gradually, enough oxygen got to my brain to form rational thought and I deduced that I had in fact slept so hard that I forgot what day it was... it was in fact, Sunday. I aborted the shower and returned to bed for no less than three hours.
I need a vacation.
Jeff C.