First and foremost I am not going to debate whether or not a Christian should go see the Da Vinci Code or not. I don't jump on the bandwagon that is trying to ruin this film at the boxoffice. This won't be the first movie that entertained me that wasn't true. I can seperate fact from fiction. But i am aware that this will influnece some people in a very bad direction. But I have to laugh at liberals, intellectuals, and progressives that are glumbing on to the notion that Christ married Mary Magdalene so as to prove he wasn't gay.
"When I put the book down I thought 'What a load of potential codswallop'."That's still going on in my mind. But I'm very happy to believe that Jesus was married. "I know that the Catholic Church has problems with gay people and I thought that this was absolute truth that Jesus was not gay." --- Sir Ian Mckellan
I love this quote. I just giggle and laugh at the willful ignorance of this quote. Jesus has now moved from his fuax pa position in a typical conversation to the hip, cool, "look what I know", and witty factoid. I can just imagine parties of the rich and famous actors, directors, and producers where slightly drunk conversations take place about the now amazing topic of the life of Christ. I can hear it now:
"Did you know that the Christ Figure of the Catholic church was married to Mary Magdalene so his followers wouldn't think he was gay."
"I thought he didn't even exist?"
"Of course he existed."
Now that Jesus has been removed from his well deserved title of the Savior of all mankind and is just a mere closet homosexual hiding his true nature from his disciples, he can be discussed openly and "seriously" during witty conversations at a premiere party of a Ron Howard movie.
Read the other great quotes and enjoy.