Once again, by using eRIc as my yard stick, I can justify not having posted for an excessive length of time. I guess I could easily justify it without eRIc, but it's just not as much fun to say that I've been quite busy. In the past two weeks, I've "worked" nine days, some of which have involved as much as 12 hours of flying a day. 5-7 hours seems to be more common, and that doesn't include the time spent on the ground. I have become quite familiar with southeastern Louisiana and can reccomend several airports and FBO's based on everything from fuel prices, courtesy cars, customer service, the proximity of restaraunts, and the quality of vending machines. I have also had the honor of gracing the skies and airports in parts of other neighboring states including Texas, Oklahoma, and Mississippi. Sometimes, I visit each of them at least once in same day. I am being compensated quite nicely, however, and it's a good feeling to realize that my skills can be put to good use. Plus, it's the coolest job I've ever had, I'm just waiting on a bigger plane.
In other news, I got a 161 on my LSAT, which puts me in the 84th percentile in the nation, not shabby considering my studies are primarily in avition sciences. Now I'm just waiting to see if any law schools like me! Off to read, tomorrow's another day in the friendly skies...
Jeff C.