I worked last night with the great folk from my little church to feed about 350 evacuees of Katrina. I met some folk that I almost felt that I knew because I grew up in Noo Awlins'. I knew intimately where they lived in and about town. I was saddened by so much of the stories they were telling me, but none hurt me more than a conversation I had with one gentleman. Our talk began with my attempt to introduce him to my good friend, Jesus Christ. It was at this juncture in our interaction that I was given the 'standard litany' about the inert goodness of man. I didn't have the heart, considering all this man has been through, to get into the fact that I've been seeing this 'goodness' on the news as I see the looting, tales of rape and beatings, as well as car jackings for the sake of a bottle of water. Oh, don't get me wrong, there's an awful lot of true good going on down there too, but my point is next time someone pulls out in front of you in traffic, tell me what your initial reaction of 'good' will be. No sir, the only good is far beyond that; it's perfectly Holy and it's only found in a true relationship with Christ.
Next thing we better watch out for are the fools working for CBS. Ted Coppel is the ringleader. Last night in front of millions of listeners he said that the US government purposely did not respond to those stranded in New Orleans because those stranded were mostly black. Just a few minutes ago I heard a live interview with Jessie Jackson pumping the same distorted lies. He said that there were some 125,000 people in New Orleans that make less than $8,000 per year and were unable to get out because they were poor and black ( I guess no one in that category were poor and white ). You know it's sad right now with horror going on and the tempers and emotions at such high levels that these people would be saying such divisive lies that are going to split this nation apart if they are not silenced.