Mother Nature can be cruel.
I can't take this anymore. I have to get this off my chest. I am going to hold my tongue and just ask questions?
What did FEMA and DHS do wrong?
What could they have done better?
Why didn't those people leave New Orleans?
What kind of people are stuck in the chaos?
After the ice storm, was there rampant looting and mayhem in Little Rock?
How are people in Mississippi acting?
What category storm were the levees designed to withstand in New Orleans?
How long has a category 4 or 5 been predicted to happen in New Orleans?
When the New Madrid fault gives way in the biggest earthquake the earth has ever seen will that also be Gearge Bush's fault?
What could the city of New Orleans done better?
What did the municipal and local governments do wrong?
Who is actually repsonsible for a cities plan for distaster especially when it is on the Gulf Coast?
In cases like this does the poop run uphill?
Is it Washington's?
Is it George Bush's?
Who are building the levees?
Who is pumping the water out?
Who is sending in food, water, and supplies?
Who is paying for all of this?
Who is blaming who?
Who is crying out the loudest?
Will New Orleans be rebuilt?
Is New York rebuillding?
Did America recover from 911?
I have decided to give money to the relief and ignore what is on television and on the news. I am tired of hearing this being politicized.
I am also tired of ranting now.