Jeff C's last post as well as my own 'sigh' when I opened the website today to find the e-cobwebs on it prompted me to assume the responsibility of adding a post of my own. So here I stare at this blinking cursor wondering what I can possibly say to entertain, encourage, or in any remote way add to someone's day. You see, after almost five weeks of literally sitting all day staring out the window hoping for work does not lend itself to witty or interesting print. I did, however, get to see a spider the other day eat a dried up bug under one of the chairs in my office.
Let's see… I think it's a shame that we have not been graced by the eRIc's wit in sometime. I'm also sorry to see how quickly his bicycle-riding days ended. That in itself would have been great fodder for blogs for a long time to come.
Let's see… I just got back from the airport to see our pastor and his wife back from a two week mission trip to Brazil.
Let's see… All I guess I can say is that I'm glad my hope is built on something eternal and not on the evil and insanity I see each day around me ( more bombs in London ). I never thought I would say this, but instead of saying something like " I feel sorry for my grandchildren to grow up in the world that's waiting for them", I'm saying " I'm sorry for me living in this stupid place now!!!"
Let's see… it's clear this is going no where. I've come to realize that a true post is one that is not "forced" but comes from deep inspiration. ( unlike all mine in the past ).