I soldier on as the individual who almost single-handedly keeps this place running while manteca leaves town. Honestly, are you people that busy that you can't contribute to the brotherhood (and one sister) but I won't call her that, because that would seem kind of creepy given the circumstances. Did I mention she's a hottie? Anyway, I digress, which, digressing once again is probably one of the things I'm better at. That, and comma splices, of course. High School English teachers from 11th and 12th grade (all three of them) would probably vote to have me drawn and quartered. The 9th and 10th grade teachers probably wouldn't even remember what a comma splice is, so I'm safe from their wrath. Which is fine by me, because one of the finer points of getting out of school is that it is much more rare to find somebody willing to gripe at you about your grammar. And lo and behold, I start thinking about returning for an advanced degree... I guess something is wrong with me. I couldn't just be happy to sit down and let an airplane fly me all over God's green Earth, I for some reason find it necessary to prove to myself and others that I am indeed capable of working for a living. Maybe it's just a little voice in the back of my head telling me that one day pilots will be obsolete (God forbid), and given my diet I really should consider alternatives to a career which seems to be left up to companies that could probably be managed better by a panel of ordinary people. Now wouldn't that make a good reality TV show. Airline Amatures. It would probably not hemorage cash quite as fast as certain airlines run by "professionals."
Once again, my post has completely run amok and I have no idea how to restrain it and shepard it back towards the greener pastures of Reason. I guess I could go on to wish A Wolf a happy birthday, and what a strange coincidence it was that you and your posse happened to sit right in front of Seashell and myself at the movie theatre. Speaking of the movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had me giggling like a little school girl. Maybe it was Johnny Depp's interpretation of a character that I once thought belonged soley to Gene Wiider, maybe it was the twisted mind or Tim Burton, or maybe it was the fact that I am still amused by squirrels. Of course the image of the Oompa Loompas beating the cow, or the pink sheep that Willy Wonka refused to discuss also elicited humorous reactions on my part. I guess I'm just a sucker for barnyard animals. Just ask Chelsea about my cow pictures...
So get on with the posting, people... given the quality of my average post, I shouldn't be forced to carry this place on my own.
Jeff C.