I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma Mr. Raincheck, but this I know. Your Mom and Dad are swell people that I know ONLY have what's best for you in their minds. Your Dad's concern is not based on distrust of you, but in the powerful temptations he knows are out there. They are the same temptations that make so many young-uns wash out in no time when away from home for the first really extended time frame. Now your Mom's story is a little bit different since she's a women. Many times women do not say what men actually hear and vice versa. Let me explain. A women will go to the closet and exclaim, "I don't have anything to wear." What she actually meant was, " I don't have anything new." A man will go to the closet and say the same thing, "I don't have anything to wear." What he actually meant was, "I don't have anything clean." Of course that example is about the extent of help I can offer to help you understand your Mom, or any other woman for that matter. So what I'm saying is be patient with your folks right now they are going through a lot of fears and adjustments over the realization that one of their son's will be going away. It's a bite ( for all of you) !!