Seeing that there are some with "more" time than the rest of us to actually read, I think it would be really good for those with said time to occasionally post a short group of such ( stupid ) headliners for our corporate information. As I agree 101.16% with the PooBah's last rant post, I was enlightened by insight into some of the crazy things going on around us. Sometimes exposing folk to the raw truth will help in revealing just how nuts this 'ole world is becoming without speaking a word about GOP / Dem's. So, what I guess I just said is this: Anytime someone runs across a story or two like the ones the PooBah posted, include them in a post of your own so all may clearly see that the reality of life reveals a great flaw in how things are getting ( or not getting ) done these days.
You shall know the truth and the truth may make you miserable.