I wish to apologize to the Convoginator family for all the videos that I have NOT posted. I'm getting ahead of myself though. This Christmas Matthew gave me and Mrs. Phynerk a great-honkin' video camera. I got it out and immediately produced two epic short documentaries. One on the results of the Monty Python trivia contest; the other on the Roots of Convogination. At that time I was promised by "someone" to get the necessary drivers to be able to continue using our camera with a better movie-making program. So far I have not received these drivers. This is the reason for this post. I go on record that the following videos have been either cancelled or postponed until the drivers materialize:
1) CaraP's Belmont concert
2) Mrs. Phynerk's graduation
3) The Madlock Pool Cleaning Party
4) Matthew wetting himself on being late for the first showing of the new Star Wars movie
5) A real Elvis sighting
6) eRIc fixing a flat with only a lock of his hair
7) Jeff C riding in a taxi
If anyone is as sorry as I for these unfortunate cancellations and you may know of the whereabouts of the necessary drivers I need or the "someone" who hasn't come through with them…..HELP!!