I have to post yet again in response to the New York TIme's Article concerning atrocities at a prison in Afghanistan. I think it is sad when a liberal dirt rag like the NYT believes that its sole purpose is to trash Americans and the US Army. We entered this war to save people. To stop the senseless murdering of innocent people. Not for oil, not for money, heck, nor even for power. If that was true, I wouldn't be paying $2.15/gallon for gasoline, and my "Money from the Iraq War" check would be coming regularlyto my mail box. I truly believe that this war is historical not only in the worldly sense, but biblically. Anyway, Idigress... The NYT and other liberal rags constantly bash their own country. Look what Newsweek published. I think Mrs. Bush said it best "...it was irresponsible." I think the First Lady was correct, but she left out one fine point. It is traitorous. The fact that these rags continually attempt to make the US military look as evil as the terrorists that they are attempting to stop is horrendous. I know free speech is one of our basic rights, but geez,aren't we taking a bit far? The NYT and other members of the "Save a Dolphin Society for the Prevention of Human Existence" really want us to look as bad as Saddam's son's Uday and ImGay. The only conclusion that I can come to is that either these liberal rags are owned by either the wealthy muslim oil barons or run by actual radical muslim extremist. Either way, this kind of bashing is ridiculous. Did we learn nothing from the traitor Jane Fonda and the Vietnam war? These men and women are doing their duty. Yes, humans make mistakes. Look at Ted Kennedy's parents...he is a mistake. Even the great drunken sot Ted Kennedy has made mistakes...killing a woman and being analcoholic moron (give me a call Ted and we can debate this).
Do me a favor, boycott the New York Slimes and encourage all friends and relations to do the same.