You know it has been hard for me as of late. I haven't been as solid as I used to be. Things don't mesh, don't fall into place as easy as they used too. Some people would say that I need to get right with the Lord. I promise that isn't it. That's right. I have always been a bit wishy-washy. I do believe that I have the right to change my mind, which I do on occasion. This time it is something different, something I just can't put my hand on. Like a panic attack with a small side of schizophrenia.
I have approximately 12 projects that I have not finished. They vary in degree of content and difficulty, but are all related to either technology or music. I suddenly have this overwhelming need to bring finality to them. I'm not sure why, just this gut feeling that the time is here to get these things done. No, this is not some impending doom thing, just the recognition of life overdue. I think that the sudden influx of people who "don't know what they want to do" and "are bored," "hate Hope," etc. has made me realize that I have always known what I wanted to do; I just haven't done it...all!
Little sidebar here: Wherever you are, that's where you're at. Every timeyou move, you just pack up the same old stuff and take it with you...
Anyway, I have been blessed with everything I have been given on this earth. I have been allowed to do everything that strikes my fancy. I just realize that its time to give back. What does this have to do with comedy, politics or chocolate milk? Not a darn thing, just the ramblings of a human on the edge of sanity realizing that life is one big bin of grab bags. Every time I reach in, I get something great!
Whew, it was good to get that off my chest. So, I will be away for some time. I have a test to take (thanks Matthew). I have to go see Tim play at NT, Cara play in Nashville, and get a few things done for myself and this great family I have. Oh yeah, and make music (once again, thanks Matthew and most importanty phynerk). I'll keep checking in, and I look forward to the movies.