I watched the weather go from 500 overcast to severe clear in less than one hour today. Nothing beats canceling a flight and calling your student ten minutes later telling them to ignore your previous conversation and get their butt out here. Horrendous crosswinds be damned, we're going flying. A veritable stampede of students, instructors, maintenance personnel, and what-have-you descended on the tiny ramp. Undoubtedly sore from a three week weather-induced sabbatical, we immediately set out to put some numbers in the books and some money on our paychecks in an all out effort to salvage the dignity that we lost to many-a-fortnight of low ceilings and visibility.
I have other papers to write, so I should really stop posting about nonsensical things like this. Here's the short version:
I got to fly again today. I like my avatar... can't wait to see what you concoct "cartoonish."