So after a rather enthralling video game experience last night, I attempted to shut down my computer. The infernal thing froze on me and there was nothing I could do but "pull the plug." Having done so many times before, on many machines (mine included), I thought nothing of it and went to bed. I awoke this morning only to find my windoze computer booting to a blue screen and "unmountable_volume" written oh-so-blatantly at the top. Five restart attempts including three in safe mode failed to satisfy the beast... it is now formatting for a windows reload. Let that be a lesson to Ye.
And so Yasser Arafat dies as well? Coincidence? Probably. At least I thought so until the Mossad was knocking on my door asking questions about my computer. They invited themselves in, looked at it, poked it with a stick, and looked strangely befuddled. Then, they critiqued the decor, helped themselves to anything and everything in the refridgerator and left without so much as a "thank you." No doubt about it, it's going to be very interesting to see what happens politically in the middle east in the next few months.
I have a staff meeting today... that's just boring.
Jeff C.