So this little tidbit of news came to my attention:
A Colorado Springs woman recently received a call from someone claiming to be from Sen. John Kerry's presidential campaign who expressed condolences about the death of her husband in Iraq. When the woman said she knew her husband was still alive, the caller said a vote for Kerry would help keep him that way.
The Kerry campaign said the stunt was so outrageous that it could only have been staged by someone trying to discredit the Democrat.
-taken from the Denver Post
So that is outrageous according to the Kerry Camp. I agree, that is as outrageous as say, someone saying that Christopher Reeve would have walked if John Kerry was president. Or someone knowing exactly what middle-Class America needs because he, and his billionaire wife, know best. Oh wait, as outrageous as letting the U.N. handle it for the American people. Outrageous as sitting down and talking to the terrorists. I'm sure John Kerry is right, had we sat down and talked to Bin Laden, he would have lied to our face and then flown planes into the twin towers. Outrageous! People...PLEASE!