I'm very upset now. I did not realize that the deadline for absentee voting was also a month before the election. I'm not really keen on missing class on Tuesday, since I have my two hardest classes and symphonic band, which ONLY meets on Tuesday. What am I going to do!?!? When I turned 18 I did not have the typical thoughts of cigarettes and leaving home. All I cared about was the fact that I could vote and it's an election year. How lucky I am to have my 18th birthday in an election year! But it is to no avail...Rant over.
Now I'm resolved to try it,
I'll live on a moderate diet,
I'll not drink and will deny it,
And shun each alehouse door,
For that's the place they tell us,
We meet with all jovial good fellows,
But I swear by the poker and bellows,
I'll never get drunk anymore.
A man that's fond of boozing,
His cash goes daily oozing,
His character he's losing,
And its loss he will deplore.
His wife is unprotected,
His business is neglected,
Himself is disrespected,
So I'll not get drunk anymore.
Vote Bush!