I now have a claypot turtle of my very own. Last night I went to Tau Beta Sigma's open house at Dr. Lamar's house. I must admit I had a lot of fun. Their mascot is a turtle, so all of us prospectives got to make turtles after eating food that didn't come from the cafeteria and talking about a special thing to us. Of course my special thing was something Irish.
Carap and I must have inspired some people because I've noticed a lot of people are wanting to play soccer, not that I read anybody's xanga or anything. I miss playing soccer. In fact, I miss doing anything that requires physical activiy, although I guess you could call marching physical, but for the sake of argument we won't.
I hope everyone has seen the pumpkin stencils on homestar. I think I'd like a jack-o-lantern with Homestar's mug on it.
I should study a little for my harmony test, or not...