Happy Labour Day!!!!!!!!...uh, I mean Labor Day. I keep forgeting that I'm not really British. I guess it's a good day to be an American seeing as how we get a day off. If I were British though I'd probably get cooler holidays, like the equivalent to our Labor Day would last three days because they realize the importance of such a holiday. Actually I really don't know anything about European holidays. I guess I should read up on that.
Canada has a Boxing Day. That's pretty cool. Come to think of it, it would be cool to be Canadian because you could confuse Americans by speaking French, plus that's where Diana Krall is from and she's the best. A lot of other cool musicians and other types are from Canada, but I can't recall any at the moment. Hockey is awesome too. I've never seen a live game, and that will have to be taken care of soon.
I guess the next big holiday is Thanksgiving, and boy am I gonna give some thanks. Massive amounts of real food will be very welcome, especially when I don't have to cook it. I can almost taste the blueberry cheesecake now...
P.S. Go Bush!