Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Stomach a turning...
It is a bad day when I feel a little outa place posting to a blog I helped start. It has been a long time coming. I would like to say that I am a wimp when it comes to an upset stomach. I don't know why I am such a pansey when it comes to a little bit of nausea. I really hate being sick. And it is even worse when I have to work and be sick at the same time. Phynerk always used to say when I was little that "There are two things that you never want to happen: Getting in trouble with the law and getting sick." True-DAT! I was having hot flashes and cold flashes all day. The only thing that I could think about while talking to someone today was that if I was going to up-chuck that it would be really embarrassing if it landed in their mouth while they were talking. That is the weird thing about being nauseated while trying to perform all the normal duties a Super-Tech is supposed to accomplish. When one is sick their brains aren't really working very efficiently. The brain is running at an elevated level of heat which can cause some very disturbing thoughts. I could just see it in my head: The vomit spewing everywhere and then everyone pointing at me with disgusted faces. The poor targeted victim with puffed and chunky cheeks laying on the ground spread angel: And it was all my fault. I couldn't hold just one more second to turn away from the talking mouth.
Hey, I am just posting. I gotta baby step back into the convoginators after a long sabbatical.