Monday, August 30, 2004
Engineering is not an exact science
In today's lesson I will expose you to the engineering term - "DEADBAND". No, this has nothing to do with the Grateful Dead, Elvis, Janis Joplin, or Santa. It does, however, have everything to do with how accurately a machine or process can achive a desired setpoint. Or to quote Dr. Albert Schramooza "Mit diesem Link hier kannst Du Dir Deinen persoenlichen Gutschein abholen."
For example, if you set your air conditioning thermostat at 75 degrees and the temperature in the room you are in varies between 76 and 74, then the unit is operating at a 2 degree DEADBAND. It has always seemed curious to me that industries will spend tens of zillions of dollars to have super high-tech thingies installed so that their processes will have the lowest possible DEADBANDS, except in the control rooms where us poor engineer-stiffs work and where management should be able to monitor these low DEADBANDS. From my years of experience, on an average, these rooms have air conditioning systems which do well do operate at a 45 to 50 degree DEADBAND which has everything do do with killing me.