In one instant, all five were called and thus ended my employment with a certain to-be-unnamed school district. If I come back again, I would have to seriously reevaluate my life and goals. When you get a college degree most people expect you to get a real job for some reason, hopefully mine will involve defying gravity on a daily basis. Not that it hasn't been fun, well, ok, there were times when it wasn't fun, but there were also even more good times than comma splices in this past sentence. For instance, the time that eRIc flung a computer off a table, the time we dropped the $1,000 printer, or when I attacked a pine tree with the side mirror of the Non-Descript White Van. Not to mention pulling various pranks on one Kyle Finley, Matthew, and being the butt of many-a-prank and joke myself. It's gone by in a hurry too, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was throwing a laptop computer off the roof of the high school in the name of science and comedy. Those days are gone, and I move forward looking for something more lucrative and less manual-labor'ish. So be sure to watch for my soon-to-be best selling book: "TECH: suffering users and their whining." I've just finished the chapter on Manteca's violent outbursts, and how they affect cell phone reception.
In other, equally pointless news, I went to the watermelon festival to catch "Manteca and Friends" and generally walk around and look at the future and current welfare recipients. The gang put on a pretty good show, although Josh and The Game had a small bout. Josh ended up emerging as the victor, but not before taking quite a metaphorical beating. I also caught the last show ever of "The American Lexicon." One day, I'll be interviewed for VH1's "I love the 2000's" and I'll get to say that I was there...
I need some convogination,
Jeff C.