I've recently been reminded of the fact that I am the only convoginator that doesn't know either a lot or an excessive amount about computers.This troubles me. Last night I was looking through the Apple Store because I'm going to purchase a computer soon, and after a bit I said to myself, "Self, you have no idea what you're doing." My knowledge of computers is so close to none that we might as well go ahead and call it none just to be safe. I'm probably going to end up with twice as much memory as I need and not enough convogination software (such a thing better exist since eRIc has already informed us that they don't offer convoginating classes at my place of higher learning). Whatever I end up getting, I'm gonna get an iPod with it and try to make the University of Central Arkansas foot the bill cuz damn it, they owe me a lot of money.
On a better note, if you're in search of the perfect variation of a frozen quasi-convoginated treat, I recomend Dairy Queen's new Moo Latte. Thanks goes to Nestle for their Nescafe contribution. This is good stuff. The mocha one is very tasty and of course the closest to pure convogination. Try one today. Satisfaction guaranteed or you wasted your money.