I had to make a run to the hole of all hells...Walmart! I tell you, that place is the worst. The only thing that makes it worse is the spooky inbred, web toed, freaks that inhabitat that place. I hurried about my business, got what I needed and got the hell out of there. In my haste I had forgotten a few things. I figured it would be safe to go to the "new" Super 1. Another bad choice! Oh my god, this town has become a cess pool. Several things ran through my brain, like "the freaks come out at night" and Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves." I must partially agree with eRic on this. This is a great place to come back too... but it is a hell hole otherwise. Sure, the Manteca Country Club and Day Spa is great, but you eventually have to venture into town for supplies. I need a high powered weapon to protect myself!
Now to other things...Bonnie Raitt...what a big piece... So she goes to the Stockholn jazz festival and decides to talk bad about George Bush! Good lord, can't these people at least keep that stuff in the country. I mean hell if the foreigners like it so much, then maybe the performers who like to talk shit about their country when they are abroad, should stay abroad! Maybe they all realize that what happened to Linda Rondstadt might happen to them.
I think that it is very funny that the end of the USA as we know it is just right around the corner. It won't be from the conservatives, it will be from the liberals. You know, the idea that everything is a go. Do what you want, live how you want, everyone is special and should be allowed to live anyway they want. It worked for the Romans, the Incas, and many of the other societies that wiped themselves from the face of the planet...Stupid liberals...OK..enough ranting!
I shall now watch the Aqua Teen Hungerforce! This will be my first time, and I understand from the slackers that work for me that this is a stupid show...interesting.