I hope everyone has tried the Moo Latte. If you haven't, it's probably because you're poor like me and cannot afford expensive convogination. I had all three Moo Lattes, but I had to put them on the good ol' Master Card, so for those of you like myself, I would like to offer an alternative to Dairy Queen's frozen coffee convoginated masterpiece: Nescafe. It's chocolate syrup with an added coffee taste sure to please the stressed out convoginator that feels 20 years older than he actually is...or the convoginator with a severe longing to stay up all hours of the night. You can find this product in your local grocery store or Super Wal-Mart(s), however, I suggest you purchase your treasure from a grocery store, lest you wait as the second person in line for 30 minutes while your future welfare-recipient cashier tries to figure out how to make change from a five dollar bill...I digress. Once you have your bottle of Nescafe, the rest is as simple as pure convogination...Mix a little (or a lot) with milk, and you've got yourself a tasty convoginated variation. You can also add ice for that iced-mocha coffee shop effect and eat some really fancy cake while reading an extremely liberal book that you will later discuss as if you actually gave a flip about the thing...But you'll know your day is complete because you convoginated.
I love the '90s,