This was the first Saturday night in quite a while that I did anything more interesting than shuttling inebriated, underage friends back to their places of dwelling. Quite a refreshing change too, I might add. Good food, a pretty good movie, and impeccable company made for quite an enjoyable evening. The evening culminated with a successful demonstration of a Toyota Corolla's off-roading capabilities through and over a ditch and culvert (respectively), but hey, what's a good first date without an embarrassing debacle. The car sucked it up and took it like a man... or machine... eitherway it performed when needed and didn't complain.
As for the movie, like the critics, I'll give it pretty good reviews. You've got to be on your toes to make sure you understand the entire plot, and the action scenes are just too confusing to even contemplate. How did people know who they were even fighting back then? Anyway, some cool special effects, good acting, and a good plot (Thanks, Homer). Somehow, I pictured the Trojan Horse being a lot bigger though. It would also have been much cooler as a large, wooden badger.
Unfortunately, I've got to drive BACK to Stillwater tomorrow in preparation for a CFI checkride on Tuesday. At least I get to come back home Wednesday. Oh, and sorry I missed the party at the Wolf estate.
Thanks for the company.
Jeff C.