I better get away from politics or someone might actually read it instead of skipping through it and learning something.
Last week someone tried to break into my house. This attempt happened between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 pm. This person tried to kick in the door which is quite amazing considering what holds the door shut: A handle lock a, a really nice metal sliding lock, and a chain. I think I might have rudely interupted the intrusion because when i walked into my house the door was standing a jar and the only thing that was holding it was the chain, the weakest part of the safety trio. If I kicked most of the door in, I wouldn't have let a silly chain stop me. I think I might have pulled into my driveway as the scum ran away. Lets say that i was a little upset. Some piece of maggot infested puke pile tried to get into my house which is part of long line of attempts and thefts incurred by my house and outside laundry room.
The items that have been stolen from my house.
1 dear to my heart metal rake
1 very large plastic rake
1 3.5 horsepower lawnmower
1 big box of Tide with bleach (?)
I can explain the first three items, but the Tide? Are the checks not coming in fast enough for you? Do we need subsidies on detergent now? Was it an after thought while taking the lawnmower? Did you say to yourself, "Oh Man! i forgot Tide at the store, I will just take this one." Was it hard to pull the lawnmower and carry the tide? You should of went it to my house and got my backpacks and bike to make it easier.
I think that i know who took this stuff and then tried to break in. Close to the end of fall two fellows showed up to my house wanting to know if I needed my lawn raked. I couldn't say no, so i paid them to do it. They wanted 40 for the front and back which is steep considering the size of my yard. I should have never said yes, because once i did they asked for everything else: Drinks, snacks, more drinks. They also said that they would finish the back yard the next day. They never did... so i paid 40 dollars for them to do half of my front yard. I think that this was the way they found the time to look around and scope out stuff to take, like effing Tide. I am more mad about the Tide then the rakes and lawnmower.
So my new favorite word is renig.
Say it, "Renigged."
Alright... enough of that....Other issues.
I was a college guy once. I was more liberal then any of you until i got out. The world is different then college. Once one sees the difference and the rules and regulations and ways of life created by liberal ideology, one might change his/her mind. I can understand those that don't care much or for politcs, but lets not start getting our feeling hurt over facts. If you want in the ring get in the ring otherwise, post funny.