Those of you that care, or have an exorbitant amount of time on your hands, may recall that I dropped physics like a bad habit when I discovered that I had no hope of earning a respectable grade. The choice was wise, mind you, as two of my friends who stayed to fight the good fight received D's, while another received the infamous Failure. Bear in mind, that these are quite intelligent people, we just don't see the need to teach a grad level course as "Introductory Physics." I digress, as it turns out, I changed my major to Aviation Management and was able to take a physical geography course, or Introductory Geology. I wasn't particularly excited, but I'm at a point in my college career that I'm just going to be happy to get out of here, and the shortest route in this case happened to be a Great Circle Route. In our lab, as we discussed maps with a T.A. whose country of origin is the subject of a pool whose current value is fifty dollars, I began to realize just how stupid (or apathetic) most of my fellow classmates are. Furthermore, the aforementioned T.A. asked why magnetic North is different from true North, and had a very surprised look on his face as I discussed Isogonic and Agonic lines and compass errors. Yes folks, it seems that I've finally rediscovered high school. I'm not learning a thing, and for some unnerving reason, it's alright with me.
So Eric and Paul haven't been here in a while, but dare I point out that Matthew has not posted in perhaps the longest spell of all? Come on Matt, all I get up here is Dean, John F-ing Kerry, and Clark propaganda, give use some good conservative news. Paul? Surely you've been up to some crazy antics lately, if you promise to post I won't call you Shirley. Last but not least, Eric... shame... shame... WTF mates?!?! May I be so bold as to suggest that we possibly need some new blood in here? The Fire Lizard perhaps?
Jeff C.