Oh yeah! I must say, I was rather disappointed in Apple due to iBooks being out of stock, but with a rapid turn-around it was out the door only one day late. The real props are due to FedEx, who delivered THREE days earlier than expected. That flight must have had quite the tailwind. The lot of my hard feelings towards Apple were gone as soon as I opened the box. This thing runs so fast, it jumped out the box and bit me. Then it called me a bad name and demanded that I go immediately and make it a sandwich.
With a four and a half hour battery life, and 54 megabit wireless flowing freely through the house, this laptop has certainly freed me from the shackles of my desk. Now I am multi-tasking in such ways that I never contemplated before: Surfing the net and watching TV, surfing the net and sleeping, surfing the net and... yeah, lots of multi-tasking going on here.
So despite the cold weather, boring classes, hectic schedule, and annoying neighbors, all is well. Well, everything except the Wal-mart situation...
Jeff C.