Oh boy! It's that time of year again! I need to put the Christmas tree up and pronto. This year is gonna be fun! I have set reindeer traps on the roof, and I have an elf in the deep-freeze. WE EATIN' GOOD THIS YEAR!!!
Seriously, is it just me, or did we go from Thanksgiving to Christmas at like Mach 7? Geez, all of the sudden, I can't even get any good gangster rap on the radio anymore...Christmas tunes til you wanna puke!! When did Jay-Z do a Christmas album...I just can't handle "Silent Night" and "Little Drummer Boy" with Ghetto Drum loop #4.
Luckily, this only happens once a year... Starting Monday, I have a gig a night until Dec. 22. Only about half of those pay...the others...well, they are charity! Well, I must go and do the computer thing... Oh yeah...TGPROJECT Christmas album...reserve your copy today!!!